What to Do If You Suffer a Work-Related Injury

If you have been injured at work, there are specific steps that you should take to protect your rights. These steps can help ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. Call an experienced workers’ compensation attorney from a workplace injury.

Report the Accident

If you suffer from work-related injuries Oregon, you must report the accident immediately. This will help your employer provide you with workers’ compensation benefits if necessary. Collecting evidence of the accident, such as pictures and video, is also a good idea. This helps you determine the root cause of the injury and can lead to improvements in safety measures. All employees must report all workplace accidents and incidents as soon as they occur. This is done to ensure that the University meets its legal responsibilities and reduces the chance of future injuries happening. Using an online accident reporting system is a great way to do this. All accidents are tracked to help identify trends and make improvements to the environment or equipment.

See a Doctor

If you suffer a work-related injury, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor can give you treatment to help you recover and return to your everyday life. Workers’ compensation insurance covers most injuries. However, the rules regarding who will treat you can be tricky. First, you can choose any physician authorized by the Workers’ Compensation Board to treat your injury or illness. If you need more clarification, ask your regular doctor for recommendations or check with the Workers’ Compensation Board to find a list of approved providers. You can generally change doctors for non-emergency treatment within 30 days of the injury. If your employer has a PPO, you can also switch to another doctor in the network.

File a Claim

If you suffer a work-related injury, you must report the incident promptly. Please do so to ensure you can claim workers’ compensation benefits. Depending on your state’s laws, you may need to fill out a form with your employer and submit it to your employer’s insurance company or the state’s workers’ compensation board. Be sure to document the injury with photos and other evidence so you can support your claim later on. If your injury involves a significant amount of time lost from work, you may want to apply for disability insurance as well. This is important because it can help cover the costs of your medical care and recovery. It can also help you to regain some of your wages. If you plan to apply for both workers’ compensation and disability benefits, it is essential to consult an attorney. This will ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your situation.

Return to Work

Whether you are cleared to return to work or not, staying in touch with your employer and doctor is essential. This will help you avoid misunderstandings or problems when you return to work. Creating an effective return-to-work plan is also a good idea. This will allow you to reintegrate into your job appropriately and help you become productive again. Your doctor may recommend specific restrictions on what to do when you return to work. These restrictions should reflect your physical limitations and the nature of your injury or disability.